Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Audiophile-conditioned HIFI – Come for an audition ?

Audition 1: Acoustic Guitar/Jazz/Sax/Piano/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flHmYAxamsE Audition 2: Pop/Voice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La3bceqA1zY Audition 3: Jazz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtk9nQ5ymAU --Components: *Cambridge Audio Azur 640A with diy audiophile mains cable; Arcam Alpha CD 7SE, with diy mains cable and mains filter * Mordaunt Short 904 with Qued silver speaker cable * --Come for an audition with your CD’s to hear what I am trying to describe in words and let your own ear judge the quality for sale here. Hi, here I have for sale some decent HIFI components and I have used here mains power conditioning and filter plus power cord on CD and other little details to make these components sound like something way more expensive - see samples on youtube above taken quickly today with my mobile so just for an idea of the sound as the real thing you can only hear when you come here.*do use good headphones though to listen to the vids. - Being a musicians for over 23 years and co-owning a recording studio in London I know how a real voice, drums, double bass, trumpet etc sounds from up close, the real sound of an instrument, the real sound of a bass drum etc. Real music is to be experienced not listened to as it is alive and vibrant. However, nothing can beat you coming in with your own beloved cd music and try first hand. This little system was used many times to check tracks after mixing and mastering before going to glass press etc. Teas and biscuit on me when you come for an audition! Cheers Charlie


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